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Prep Time:

3 Minutes

Cook Time:

5 Minutes





About the Recipe

Reishi is often referred to as the Queen of medicinal mushrooms and is revered as one of the greatest immune boosting fungi on the planet with it's use being dated back to over 4000 years. It's immune boosting benefits are noticed when it is consumed regularly, so finding an easy and enjoyable way to weave this into your life is best way to embrace Reishi's life enhancing benefits. While this warming elixir is quick and easy to make and has a lovely flavour, it also acts as an immune boosting tonic while calming the mind. On top off that, the compounds in the cinnamon verum are known to stabilise blood sugar levels, so it's a great companion for anyone wanting to get on top of their sugar intake and cravings. Taste wise, Reishi has a similar bitter taste to coffee which makes this drink the perfect replacement without giving you the buzzy highs and lethargic lows that caffeine can sometimes bring. I recommend sitting down to enjoy this Reishi latte either after breakfast, to kick start your working day or to enjoy with friends or family. Your body, mind and spirit will love you for it!


220ml x home made nut milk (Otherwise the brand Nutty Bruce is a good substitute here in Australia)

1/2-3/4 tsp x high quality Reishi extract (See resources and recommendations page for premium Reishi extrtact) 

1/4 tsp x vanilla paste, seeds or powder

1 tsp x maple syrup

1 tsp x extra virgin coconut oil or maccadamia oil

1/4 tsp x cinnamon ground


1/4 tsp x lucuma powder

1/4 tsp x mesquite powder 


Step 1

Bring everything to simmer on stove top

Step 2

Blend in bullet or blender for 20 seconds

Step 3

Pour into you favourite mug and dust with cinnamon to serve

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